MM2H Medical Insurance

People opt for Malaysia My Second Home Visa Programme for availing an extended list of benefits and competitively priced medical insurance plans guarantee a healthy stay in this country. Malaysia is reputed for its advanced medical infrastructure and facilities. It is highly important that you avail a fortified mm2h medical insurance plan as it falls in the list of necessary after approval procedures.

Malaysian Healthcare System At A Glance

  1. Qualified Medical Professionals: Highly qualified (and proficient in conversational English) medical professionals and paramedics are recruited in both the public and private Malaysian hospitals. They have extensive international medical certificates to prove their mettle.
  2. Competitive Prices: International standard medical insurance plans are available in comparatively low premiums.
  3. Health Tourism: Malaysia is among the top 5 destinations for health tourism (as per the 2010 statistics).
  4. Accommodation in Hospitals: From standard rooms to luxurious suites in hospitals, you have numerous options to choose from!
  5. Medical Insurance: The medical insurance selected by you should cover the expenses for hospitalisation, medical treatment, surgery etc. You should select a plan from the category of international private medical insurance. In addition, in the case of inability to work because of long-term illness, you need income protection insurance coverage.

After the conditional approval of MM2H visa application, you and your family members (those who are going to migrate to Malaysia) need to visit the country for a duration of 3 working days to complete the formalities of MM2H landing procedures.

3 Important Things To Be Furnished By The Applicant After Availing The MM2H Conditional Approval:

  1. Medical checkup report from a registered health centre or a private hospital in Malaysia
  2. Purchase of the Medical Insurance Plan. You should furnish the Certificate before the Malaysia Immigration Department. If however, the applicant faces any difficulty in obtaining a medical insurance because of certain medical condition or ripe age, exemptions are provided
  3. Based on the MM2H category, you need to furnish your Fixed Deposit Certificate

After you complete the above-mentioned procedures, your passport will be brought for the MM2H visa endorsement at the Malaysia Immigration Department.

Steps Undertaken After You Get MM2H Approval- The Landing Procedure

For the landing procedure, a basic plan for medical insurance is enough. However, wide ranges of policies for medical insurance in Malaysia are available to choose from! Wider comprehensive plans combine the factor of life component with investment.

For the overweight MM2H visa applicants (where the weight reading exceeds the normal limit as specified by an insurance company), extra money should be paid as the insurance premium. You may apply for a waiver if you already have an international medical policy.

Guidelines For The Basic Medical Insurance Plans

  • Aged below 50:
    1. For a couple (age of husband: 45 years; age of wife: 35 years): RM 610
    2. For dependent family members (age of father: 48 years; age of mother: 40 years; age of daughter: 10 years; age of son: 15 years): RM 975
  • Aged above 50:
    1. Couple (age of husband: 55 years; age of wife: 50 years): RM 653


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